HJWL Fundraisers

Eet Smakelijk
Dawn to Dusk

For years, HJWL has been known in the community for it's renowned cookbooks and recpipes within. Cookbooks are one way HJWL raises funds to support our cause. All proceeds earned on the sale of a cookbook go directly towards the organization and supporting kids in our community. Purchase a cookbook today and help support kids!
Questions? Contact the Cookbook Chair

"Spring for Kids" - Spring
"Kids at Heart" - Fall

The majority of HJWL fundraising is done through our Spring benefit and Fall benefit. These events are made possible by our group of dedicated volunenteers and generous donors.
The Spring benefit, "Spring for Kids", is a casual evening event for adults with hordurves, a silent auction and live auctioneer.
The Fall benefit, "Kids at Heart", is a Luncheon for women only with lunch and dessert served, a silent auction, and fashion show.
Both benefits are open to the public, with reservations and tickets purchased in advance.
Questions? Contact the Event Chair.


Throughout the year, HJWL partners with local businesses to help fundraise who support our cause. In the past, HJWL has partnered with Russes, Bufflo Wild Wings, Plantenga's Dry Cleaners and Quality Car Wash, where a percentage of sales go direclty to Holland Junior Welfare League.
If your business would like to support HJWL in fundraising or you know of an opportunity to fundraise, please contact us.